Be Still Symbol  

The Voting Booth of December 21, 2012

Small Be Still Sign  The Voting Booth of December 21, 2012
If you have not read the page Prelude to December 21st Year 2012, it is suggested you do so before continuing here. To read about the Prelude of December 21st Year 2012  Click Here
The Vote Begins: Now!
The Voting End:
It will unfold like this:

All humanity will appear as a light to be measured by its intensity. The more persons connected to God, the brighter the light will shine. It's that simple. This is the overall vote. Will it shine bright, or will it be obscured by the negative forces of the universe. We get to decide. Children without understanding are exempt. They already possess pure hearts. For a yes acknowledgement to occur each individual needs to connect with god himself. To connect with God, you must Be Still and know he is God. You can not just say you believe. Your thinking must demonstrate it. Fear must be removed. It is a commitment. You only get one shot at this. A no vote is obvious. Just do nothing. Follow the pack that lives in the negative circle. The closed minds at heart. They will claim to have all the answers.

Note: The prophecies about this date all appear to be warnings. Why would there be warnings if there was not something that they thought we could do about it? Look at our existence. Where is it going? It's obvious that we cannot change the physical aspects of the universe or our world. So my friends, the warnings are about changing our thinking and ways of life. That can only be done by a conscious contact with a higher power (God). Righteousness or right thinking. You have a choice. That's what this is all about. A final exam of your free will.

There are 3 possible outcomes to this Vote:

A) December 22, 2012 will become a new cycle. The day will be bright with new challenges set before all humanity. Mankind will begin to except a new spiritual order to the universe. We will start a new journey that takes on the positive forces of the universe. There will be a peace that lulls over earth. A feeling of hope. Truly, a new order. For those that voted against God. They will laugh and claim victory. Pointing out that nothing has happened. They will continue their spiral decent into the negative forces. They will fight and compete to carry on their old ways. It will be fruitless. They will be seen for what they are. You will know them by their fruits. Their mark will be visible and these persons will be ignored and cast aside. The majority will now rule. Their hell will begin right here on earth. Their numbers will diminish every new day.

B) December 22, 2012 will be a day that projects a feeling of doom and gloom. The no voters will claim victory. They will be correct. They think that nothing has happened and escalate their negative projections. The world will just seem darker. The yes voters will know. They will be saddened but grateful that they have chosen their mark. The majority of humanity has rejected the word of God. Mankind will go downhill from here. Expect to see ending times accelerate at a rapid pace. Fear will become the promenade force. The most powerful force of the negative circle. For those that chose this as their place of residence they will have theirs.

C) A landside of no votes could end existence altogether except for a select few. God may start over. I don't need to elaborate. This has been done before. Not good news for the no voters. As the no voters life ceases to exist here on earth. The spirit or soul will be cast to the negative side of the universe. Being that time is an interpretation of man. This could be perceived as eternity. The spirit will be trapped there until God has the finial confrontation against evil (or the negative side). According to scriptures God defeats evil. Thus, beginning an end to it. Meaning that anyone that resides there will no longer exist. This is truly being removed from the book of life. I can only say this about the negative side of the universe. It is not a place you want to be.

This is being delivered to you three years before the vote is to occur. It is the reason why the symbol has surfaced. A practice round per say. It is a constant reminder or question mark. Stop, and ask yourself. Where do I stand with God? Am I connected or not? There is time to seek the truth. Start now - "seek and you will find", "knock and the doors will be opened". This vote will mark your soul. A network will manifest as a result of this message. It will be one such place to search.

That concludes all I know about December 21, 2012. The outcome is unknown. Wait and watch for the man I spoke of.

Things to Ponder:

The spirit has entered my being on many occasions. While it was very apparent on certain messages I am to deliver, there are so many unanswered questions. My understating is this. Silence means ITS NOT MY BUSINESS. It's now left up to faith. Guess that's the way it works.

The thought of going to a voting booth totally baffles me. Against all comprehension. I have found nowhere in any scriptures anything relating to this in ending times, or not. A burden I must face. I cannot defend it by any means. I'm sure there will be many attempts to tear it to shreds. I can only say that the message was clear and given with authority.

I have pondered this thought. Not to be taken as part of the message. Even in ending times the sides must be identified. Good and evil must declare it's self. Like two major league managers selecting the players. Remember all players are chosen by their ability and demonstration. The vote will mark you with a sign. The uniform you will wear. Can it be this simple? I don't know.

Regardless of what happens, I've done my part. The message has been delivered. You can believe it or not. Seems that's the choice God has always given us.

The Keeper

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