Be Still Symbol  

Be Still Pendants

All  Be Still Symbol Pendants are cast in .925 Sterling Silver. This site is the only place in the world where these unique pendants can be obtained. It is the only site or place that's legally bound to do so. When wearing this symbol we guarantee an inquisitive response from those that see it. Be sure to understand its meaning, because you will be asked. To display this sign or symbol you are showing your acceptance and connection to God. Currently we are offering batch 1. These are the first Pendants available. Only 25 exist in each size.

Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 products)

Qty.+ Product Image Item Name Price
0 1 1/4" Sterling Silver Be Still Symbol Pendant

1 1/4" Sterling Silver Be Still Symbol Pendant

This 1 ¼" (32mm high) by 31/32” (24.6mm wide) Sterling Silver Be Still Pendant is the largest piece of the collection. It is the only pendant...

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0 1" Sterling Silver Be Still Symbol Pendant

1" Sterling Silver Be Still Symbol Pendant

This 1" (25mm high) by 7/8” (22.5mm wide) Sterling Silver Be Still Pendant begins the first of pendants that includes a crystal stone setting...

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0 3/4" Sterling Silver Be Still Symbol Pendant

3/4" Sterling Silver Be Still Symbol Pendant

This 3/4" (19mm high) by 5/8” (15.9mm wide) Sterling Silver Be Still Pendant includes a round 1.5mm crystal stone setting. The clear stone...

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0 5/8" Sterling Silver Be Still Symbol Pendant

5/8" Sterling Silver Be Still Symbol Pendant

This 5/8" (15.9mm high) by 1/2" (13mm wide) Sterling Silver Be Still Pendant is the smallest in the collection. Not to be underestimated....

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Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 products)


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